Male Genital Organs

How an erection happens

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Pênis Flácido Pênis Ereto

What is Impotence?

Impotence or Erectile Dysfunction is when the man has difficulty in getting or maintaining an erection hard enough and for long enough to enable the sexual intercourse to take place.


What illnesses can cause Impotence?

The illnesses that are capable of causing Impotence can have a psychogenic or physical origin. In general, psychological illnesses are related to anxiety and negative sexual experiences. Physical illnesses can be connected with vascular factors (arterial sclerosis), neurological factors (diabetes), hormonal diseases (gonadal deficiencies), bone diseases (multiple myeloma), localized illnesses (Peyronie´s disease), infectious diseases (prostatitis), kidney disease (chronic kidney failure), metabolic diseases (stress, depression). Another cause is the incomplete ingestion of drugs used for hypertension, depression, sleeping pills, appetite reducers, cocaine, LSD, as well as some types of serious pelvic surgery.


How is Erectile Dysfunction diagnosed?

The most frequently used methods are nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT), Vibrophalloplethysmography, Computerized Eco-dopller, pharmacologically induced simultaneous erection and erotic visual stimulation, evoked potential, imaging of the cavernous bodies, etc

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Pharmacologically Induced Erection

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Ultrasound of the Penis

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Treatment of Erectile Dysfunction:

The treatment of erectile dysfunction depends on the underlying illness. Since a large number of impotent men suffer from a lack of arteries in the penis, drugs that increase the blood flow in the penis used a lot. Other drugs such as prostaglandin, phentolamine, apomorphine and sildenaphil cause an increase in the amount of blood in the penis, thereby  producing an erection. Sildenaphil, as well as producing an erection that is between 50 and 100% hard also reduces the amount of time that the penis remains soft between one erection and another. Regardless of whether the medication is taken intracavernously or orally the patient must be examined by a doctor, especially to evaluate his heart, liver and kidney condition.

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Artificial Penis

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Functions of the Male Genital Organs

Viagra, "the erection pill of 1998" may only be used after tests carried by a doctor, in order to ensure the correct dosage and observation of side effects.

For any sexual problem to be solved what is important is the correct diagnosis of the cause.


Premature Ejaculation:

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Premature ejaculation is when the man has difficulty in controlling ejaculation sufficiently long enough for his partner to reach orgasm, at least 50% of the times he has sex. The average time over which a man under 40 years of age can control ejaculation is between 5 and 12.4 minutes, and between 9 and 20.4 minutes for men over 40.


What illnesses can cause premature ejaculation?

Generally speaking, psychological, psychogenic and physical illnesses can cause premature ejaculation. Several different psychological illnesses can interfere in the control of ejaculation, but the most common is anxiety and the fear of not performing well. These factors lead to a loss of control over  the process of ejaculation, so that it happens in a unilateral instead of the normal biphasic manner. Physical illnesses are divided into: neurological illnesses (Diabetes), infectious diseases (Urethritis, Cystitis), metabolic illnesses (lack of zinc and oligo-elements), among others, all of which can cause a lack of control over the time it takes to ejaculate.


Diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation:

Several types of laboratory tests can be used to diagnose premature ejaculation, such as:


Electric Potential of the spine of the Penis

Blood and urine laboratory tests


Treatment of Premature Ejaculation:

Treatment depends on the illness that causes the complaint. When the cause is psychological we recommend the Semmans Method as adapted by Vargas.

In certain cases we can use either clinical treatment (medication to correct the underlying illness) or surgical treatment (Neurotripsy)



Vargas, Marilene Cristina, M.D.
Phone/Fax: + 55 41 3338-9435
Curitiba - Paraná - Brazil

© 2000 Vargas. All rights reserved